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Arts Connect

I did this project as part of my work at Creative Alliance for Arts Connect. Supporting the Local Culture and Education Partnerships of Solihull, Walsall, Stoke-on-Trent, and Herefordshire to host Creative Industry Careers Days during National Careers Week across the West Midlands.

Adobe After Effects | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Indesign | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Premiere Pro

The brand

I was assigned the Walsall CEP for this project. I was to create a small brand consisting of type, colours, and advertising content. This was the banner for the Eventbrite page for students to book onto the careers day. 

The socials

I created a varied amount of social posts including the copy for the marketing of this event. I created a marketing schedule for this content to be distributed.

The flyer

I designed a flyer that would be used on the day of the event that would give a breakdown of what workshops were happening throughout the day that they could join, including lunch as well as start and end times. I created the brand with shapes and lines in order for the flyer to be folded into an origami bird. I wanted to make this flyer creative and interactive for the students to do during the day. Once I designed and got these printed, I recorded and edited a video of how they could fold the flyer. Please view the video below.

© 2023 by Sarah Jane Palmer

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